Term dates and school times
As a school we have a responsibility to promote and encourage good attendance and challenge where levels drop below expected standards. Expected standard in our school is 96% or above.
Regular attendance at school is extremely important if children are to make progress and parents/carers are responsible for getting their children to school every day.
Timings of the school day | |
Arrival Reception & KS1 | 8.55am (registration 8.55 – 9.00) |
Arrival KS2 | 8.50am (registration 8.50 – 8.55) |
Assembly | 9:00am - 9:15am |
Morning session 1 | 9.15 – 10.50am |
Break | 10.50 – 11.00am |
Morning session 2 |
11.00 – 12.00 (Year R and Year 1) |
Lunch | 12.15 – 1.00pm |
Afternoon session | 1.00pm – 3:25pm (in Reception and Y1-2) and 3:30pm in KS2 |
Typical hours provided in a week is 32.5 hours.
Gates open at 8:45am and close at 9:00am. Staff will greet the children at the classroom doors, where possible.
Senior staff are available on the gates to speak to parents to answer brief queries, please speak to the school office or send an email to enquiries@lincolncarlton.anthemtrust.uk for something urgent or for class teacher specific questions.
Children who arrive after 9.00am will need to enter via the school office to be signed in. We expect all children to arrive at school ready for registration and to do their morning jobs. Assembly starts at 9:00am and children should be present to attend.
Please read our Attendance and Punctuality Policy here Anthem Schools Trust - Policies (anthemtrust.uk). The codes on your child’s attendance record are as follows L - Late (before registers close after 30 mins) and U - Late (after registers closed). U is classed as an unauthorised absence for the entire morning session.
Your child will be marked as unauthorised if they arrive 30 minutes after registers close. Registers close at 8:55am in KS2 and 9:00am in Reception and Years 1-2.
At the end of the school day gates open at 3.20pm and close at 3.35pm
Reporting absence
Families can inform us via telephone, email or by leaving us a voice message by selecting the option to report a child’s absence.
Illness and medical appointments
If your child is ill and not well enough to come to school, please inform us by telephone before the start of the school day.
If your child has a medical appointment during the school day, please complete our Medical Absence Form, giving as much advance notice as possible.
Term Time Holidays & Fixed Penalty Notices
We have been notified by Lincoln County Council of an update to the requirements of FPN (Fixed Penalty Notices) for term-time holidays across Lincolnshire.
Where there is now an absence from school due to a term time holiday, you will be subject to an FPN, without being given a formal written warning notification. This is regardless of whether you have given us prior notice.
We would still please kindly ask that you complete a ‘Leave of Absence form’ to give us prior notice of absence. A paper copy can be obtained from the school office or downloaded below.
Term dates
It is very important that children attend school every day during term time. Holidays should only be taken during the allocated holiday dates. We are not able to authorise holidays in term time.
Term time and holiday dates are available below.